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【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« on: March 03, 2020, 03:09:38 pm »
Personal letters can be divided into two broad categories, based on the intended recipient: person-to-person letters and person-to-business letters.

It is important to note that a lot of confusion exists as to what are true personal letters and what are NOT personal letters. For example, a "cover letter" used to transmit a report is NOT a personal letter - it is a business letter. On the other hand, a "cover letter" for a resume or c.v. IS a personal letter.

Letters that some people loosely define as personal letters which are NOT personal letters at all include: covering letters, employee letters, introduction letters, marketing letters, publicity letters, project letters, customer relation letters, financial and credit letters, order-related letters, sales and marketing letters, follow-up letters, announcements, fundraising letters, among others.

The links below will take you to typical sample letter templates for the two primary categories of personal letters:

Person-to-Person Letters

"Person-to-person letters are letters that one individual sends to another individual that deal with personal matters, as opposed to business matters."

The following links go to real-life templates of the most commonly requested person-to-person letters:

Character reference letter - personal friend/colleague reference.

Church letter - to parents re: child's birthday.

Condolence letter - to an acquaintance or colleague-哀悼信.

Friendly letter - to a colleague and sports buddy-.

Goodbye letter - farewell letter to co-workers-同事再见信.

Love letter - to someone you've known for a while-情书.

Letter of apology - to a neighbor or acquaintance-道歉信.

Letter of complaint - water damage complaint to neighbor-投诉信.

Letter of congratulations - to a friend or colleague-祝贺信.

Letter of personal reference - recommending a personal friend-个人推荐信.

Letter of resignation - resign from a committee-辞职信.

Letter of sympathy - to family of a friend and/or colleague-慰问信.

Letter of thanks - to friends or acquaintances(熟人)感谢信.

Letter of welcome - to a new community member-欢迎信.

Romantic love letter - after a special evening.

Teacher letter to parents - beginning of year guidelines.

Thank you letter - personal thanks to a family member(感谢信).
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2020, 03:16:27 pm »
Letter of Thanks

When a thank you letter is called a "letter of thanks" it is normally for a personal thank you situation. A personal letter of thanks should be short, but heartfelt and sincere. Due to their personal nature, a letter of thanks is normally handwritten, although this can very, depending on the situation.

(hand write or type personal Letter of Thanks as appropriate)

The Marsdens
7425 Lansdowne Road
Bethesda, MD 20812
January 15, 20xx

Fred and Sylvia Becker
455 Battery Lane
Bethesda, MD 20814

Dear Fred and Sylvia:

On behalf of the entire Marsden family I would like to thank you for your unflagging(不松懈的) support and kind condolences in recent weeks as we mourned(哀悼、服丧) the tragic loss of Raymond.

Without wonderful friends like you to spend time with us and help with daily tasks it would have been much more difficult for us to suffer through this very difficult period. I especially appreciated the numerous meals that you prepared and delivered to us as well as the drives to school you provided for Kirstin and Charlie. You can't imagine what a help this was to Carl and I as we tried to focus on Raymond's funeral arrangements while also having to deal with the media.

As you will understand, it is going to take some time before our family can get back to normal after this senseless tragedy. So, please don't take our lack of contact during this period as any more than us taking the time we need to try to get back to some semblance of a normal life.

Please accept our heartfelt thanks for all that you have done.

Sincerely grateful,

Susan and Carl
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2020, 03:17:26 pm »
Letter of Welcome

Letters of welcome, or welcome letters, can be used in many different situations, both personal and business. They are often used by various types of organizations to welcome new members. The sample letter of welcome below is typical. It has been written to welcome new residents to a condominium building, and to advise them of the rules and procedures regarding the use of common facilities.

(print Letter of Welcome on standard stationery or business letterhead)
1350 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, ON, K2P 1P7

April 10, 20xx

Mr. Peter Lawrence
1350 Carling Ave., Suite 1204
Ottawa, ON, K2P 1P7

Dear Peter Lawrence:

As Administrator for the Mountain Vista Residents Association (MVRA) I would like to welcome you as a new member of our community. As a longtime resident I am sure that you will enjoy living here. Below are some administrative and contact details on the operations of the common facilities.

Administration Office
The Administration Office off the main lobby is open weekdays from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30. p.m. The phone number is (xxx) 232-4985.

Health Club
The exercise room and whirlpool are open from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., 7 days a week.

Squash Courts
The two squash courts are accessible during the same hours as the Health Club. Courts must be booked in advance using the sign-up sheet outside the office. A new sign-up sheet is posted at 10:30 a.m. each day to book courts for the following day only.

Swimming Pool
The outdoor pool is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; from May 15th to September 30th.

Party Room
The party room may be booked for special events through the Administration Office at (xxx) 232-4985. A $100 damage deposit is required with each booking.

The general emergency number is 911. However, for any building-related emergencies please call the special emergency beeper number at (xxx) 232-4300 and leave a message. Someone should get back to you within the hour.

At Mountain Vista we take pride in the cooperative and considerate way in which our community operates. We ask you to join us in that spirit of cooperation as you enter this community.

Please feel free to call me at (xxx) 233-9210 if you have any questions.

Yours Sincerely,

Frank Higgins
Administrator, MVRA
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2020, 03:18:17 pm »
Romantic Love Letter

A romantic love letter is one of many types of love letters that are written for a variety of different situations. The feelings expressed in a love letter should always comes from the heart. Otherwise, it won't come across as authentic. For the most impact, a romantic love letter needs to be handwritten. An e-mail or a text message just won't have the same effect as a real handwritten love letter.

(hand write Love Letter on personal or plain stationery)

11017 Ashley Dr.
Rockville, MD 21547

September 5, 20xx

My Dear Robert:

I was just reminiscing about Saturday evening; it was such a perfect night.

The subtle breeze made me shiver from time to time, but I'm so glad they had a table for us outside. What a wonderful way to spend an autumn evening.

Sitting across the table from you, listening to your fascinating stories, I was mesmerized.

You're so passionate and intense when you speak of the things you love. I find that so attractive.

The wine you selected was perfect. Sipping it from the delicate glass enhanced the taste and it warmed my body as it filled up my insides.

Dinner was sumptuous. The pasta was so flavorful; I savored every bite, sucking each strand of linguini slowly through my pursed lips as I listened to you speak.

It was a luscious meal, and you were a delicious date.

I loved it after dinner when we sat there gazing into each other's eyes sipping our wine. After each sip, the subtle taste of wine lingered on my lips, and I licked them so slowly, catching every last drop. And when you touched my lip with your finger, capturing that one drop of wine that I missed, and then licked your finger, a tingling sensation flooded my entire body.

After dinner, as we walked along the sidewalk hand-in-hand, I realized just how much I love being with you, sharing a meal with you, talking with you, and being a part of your life.

Love and affection,

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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2020, 03:19:28 pm »
Letter of Resignation

Letters of resignation, or resignation letters, are most often written when one is resigning from a job. However, there are many other situations where letters of resignation are also appropriate. For example, in the real-life sample below, the author is resigning from a public service committee.

(print Letter of Resignation on personal stationery)

501-4715 Ramona Avenue
Stanstead, MN 55080

November 15, 20xx
Cameron Moffatt
Interim President
Community Advisory Committee
Stanstead General Hospital
Stanstead, MN 55025

Dear Cameron:

Further to our discussion after last week's meeting, this is to formally advise you that I will be stepping down from my position as Administrative Secretary of the CAC effective December 31, 20xx.

As I explained when we spoke, I have decided to pursue my Masters Degree and have been accepted at Northwestern University in Illinois, which means I will be living in the Chicago area most of the time for the next two years. Naturally, should I return to Stanstead when I have completed my program I would be pleased to serve with the Committee again if need be.

When the Committee meets again in early January, I would ask you to please convey my regrets and farewells to the other members and advise them that serving as a member of the CAC for the past three years has been one of the most enjoyable and meaningful community service positions that I have held in my years of community service.

In closing, I sincerely wish you and the other members the very best of luck with the future work of the Committee. I have no doubt that, under your able leadership, the CAC will be successful in achieving all of the fund-raising targets for Campaign 20xx.

Yours sincerely,

David Sanchez
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2020, 03:21:32 pm »
Letter of Personal Reference

A personal reference letter is also known as a "character reference letter", and is essentilally exactly the same type of letter. Like other "general reference letters", a personal reference letter is normally opened with "To Whom It May Concern" or some similar general salutation. That's in contrast to a "recommendation letter" which is always addressed to a specific person to deal with a specific situation.

(print Personal Reference Letter on standard stationery)
2550 Notre-Dame W.
Montreal, QC H3C 1L2

July 27, 20xx

To Whom It May Concern:

Re: Personal Reference - Michael Meloche

I have known Michael Meloche for the past 15 years, first as a neighbour and squash partner, and in recent years as a friend.

I first met Michael shortly after he arrived in this country from his native Serbia. He had moved in with his father in the same building in which I lived. Not long after he arrived, he noticed me in the elevator with my squash gear and asked me in his rudimentary English if I would play squash with him, to which I agreed.

When he first arrived in this country, Michael registered in the final year of high school to improve his English. In fact, during that first year I often tutored him in English and History in the evenings which allowed me to get to know him quite well. I quickly realized that not only was Michael very bright, he was an incredibly hard working individual who was determined to overcome all challenges he faced. Accordingly, within one year he was quite fluent in English, with very little accent, and he had finished at the top of his class in high school. In addition to that, in parallel with his studies he managed to hold down two part-time jobs.

After that, Michael was accepted into university on a partial scholarship in another city. Although we didn't see each other for about three years we kept in touch by e-mail and I could see that he was continuing to excel in his studies. After three years he graduated with an Honors degree in Biochemistry.

After a short stint doing research with a pharmaceutical company in Toronto, Michael moved to Montreal six years ago to pursue his dream of becoming a medical doctor. While he was studying medicine at McGill University in Montreal I saw quite a bit of him and was well aware of his progress as he moved through medical school. Last year Michael realized his dream and graduated near the top of his class as an M.D. He is currently a plastics and reconstructive surgery resident at a major Montreal hospital.

Clearly, Michael's deeds speak for themselves. He is a highly intelligent hard worker who never loses sight of his goals. He is also a fine person with a great deal of integrity who I am proud to call a friend. I therefore have no hesitation whatsoever in unreservedly recommending Michael Meloche as a trustworthy person who can always be counted on, regardless of the enterprise.

If you have questions or need additional information about my knowledge of Michael please free to call me in Montreal at (514) 978-1789.


Samuel Francis, M.B.A.
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2020, 03:22:47 pm »
Letter of Congratulations

Letters of congratulations, or congratulations letters, are appropriate for various situations, both personal and business. The sample letter of congratulations below is typical. In it, someone congratulates a colleague cum acquaintance for an award she has received. Unsolicited gestures such as this are good practice, both in business and in friendships.

(print personal Letter of Congratulations on standard stationery)

495 West Village Way
Suite 975
New York, New York

January 15, 20xx

Mavis Jamieson
880 West 60th Street
Suite 1850
New York, New York

Dear Mavis:

Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your recent selection for inclusion on the short-list for the NY City Writers Prize.

I just heard the news today from Francis Goodspeed when she dropped into my office with the marked up proofs for her latest collection of stories. As you can imagine, Fran was very excited too!

I am so proud of you. As you know, I have been a longtime promoter of your work, and in my mind it's about time they finally recognized your talent. In fact, I believe that your selection for the NYCWP short-list is long overdue.

I have already read two of the other books that are short-listed and in my opinion they don't hold a candle to your "No Turning Back". I will read the other three books nominated and let you know what I think. Although, I could hardly be considered an objective reviewer on this one!

Once again Mavis, my sincere congratulations on your nomination. Just being nominated for the NYCWP is an honor in itself. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you until they announce the winner on March 1st.

Sincere best wishes,

Brad Merchant
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2020, 03:24:30 pm »
Letter of Complaint

A personal letter of complaint, or complaint letter, can be warranted in many different situations. If you have a grievance and you want some kind of action, a letter of complaint is the most effective way to achieve that. Recording your complaint formally in writing makes it very clear that you are serious about the situation, and is thefore more likely to elicit a serious response.

(print personal Letter of Complaint on standard stationery)

15-1505 Drummond St.
Montreal, QC, H3C 1L2
(xxx) 989-1758

Oct. 15, 20xx

Jeremy Foster
17-1505 Drummond St.
Montreal, QC, H3C 1L2

Dear Jeremy:

Further to my letter to you of Sept. 15/xx, tomorrow will make seven (7) weeks since your renovation project mishap caused significant water damage to the ceiling of my bathroom (i.e. Aug. 27/xx). As you know, most of the ceiling collapsed due to the excessive water build-up. As you are also aware, Units 11 and 13 were also damaged.

The only thing that has happened on this since my Sept. 15th letter, took place about ten days later when an Estimator for your insurance company inspected the damage to the various units.

The day after the mishap, you told me that since you had caused this problem you would be following-up promptly and would keep me posted on developments. It has now been 48 days since your actions caused this damage and my bathroom ceiling has still not been repaired, nor have I heard anything from you or anyone else about when repairs might be done.

I have recently had two sets of house guests visit me and I was not too pleased about having to apologize to them about the state of my bathroom. I expect more guests in a couple of weeks and I would really appreciate it if the repairs were done before their visit.

Frankly Jeremy, I am at a loss to understand why you have obviously made no efforts to expedite these repairs and to keep us informed of the situation. You seem to be acting as if this really didn't happen and that perhaps it will somehow go away. I'm afraid it will not go away until you attend to repairing the damage for which you are responsible.

At this point I would ask you to please show some respect and consideration for your neighbors who suffered these damages through no fault of their own, but due to your negligence.

Jeremy, on behalf of my fellow residents in this building I ask you to do the right thing and see to it that the necessary repairs get done post-haste.


Steven Faubert

cc: Evelyn Tracey
       Claude Patterson
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2020, 03:26:26 pm »
Letter of Apology

A personal letter of apology, or apology letter, should be short and sincere. If you are going to write one at all, make sure it is heartfelt, or there is really no point. Sending someone a sincere letter of apology can have significant impact, and can go a long way towards patching up interpersonal differences. The sample apology letter below is from one neighbor to another.

(print personal Letter of Apology on standard letter stationery)

175 Pitkin Park Road
Apt. No. 7
Montpelier, VT

April 10, 20xx
Martin Gavin
175 Pitkin Park Road
Apt. No. 15
Montpelier, VT

Dear Martin:
Re: Parking Garage Problem

Please regard this as a letter of apology for the recent problems that I caused you by moving your belongings in the parking garage without your permission.

Believe me, I had no intention of causing you any problems. Over the long weekend I decided to rearrange my space in the garage and install some new shelving on the front wall opposite my parking space. While I was at it I thought I would also tidy up the entire garage. It was during that process that I noticed that your boxes of books were stored, what I thought was, dangerously close to the electric heating element. So, I took the liberty of moving those boxes to the other side of the garage. It didn't occur to me at the time that this would block the entry and exit on the passenger side of your vehicle.

After you brought this to my attention Monday evening I immediately moved your boxes back to where they were stored originally. As you suggested, by stacking them carefully I was able to place them so that there was sufficient safe clearance from the heating element. I trust you will find everything in order now.

I'm really sorry that I didn't check with you first before moving your belongings. I can now see how it would have upset you to return after the holiday weekend and find your belongings moved for no apparent reason. All I can say is that it won't happen again.


Jeff Gibson
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2020, 03:27:12 pm »
Goodbye Letter Sample

The goodbye letter sample below is for a typical work situation. Also known as a farewell letters, they should be kept short and to the point, and sincere. There's no point in sending a goodbye letter that comes across as insincere.

(print Goodbye Letter to co-workers on corporate letterhead)
August 12, 20xx

Dear Friends:

As a number of you already know I have recently accepted a position with another company and will be leaving at the end of this week. Please consider this to be my sincere goodbye to each and every one of you.

I want you all to know that I am truly leaving here with mixed feelings; happy about my new career opportunity, but sad to be leaving such a great company where I have so many wonderful friends and colleagues. The last three years as a member of the SysTek team was the best period of my career so far. I learned a great deal and worked with many people with whom I am sure I will remain friends for a long time. I can only wish that my new job will give me such rewarding experiences and supportive friends.

Thank you so much for making my time at SysTek a truly enjoyable one. I invite any of you who would like to keep in touch, to speak to me before I leave on Friday and I will be happy to give you my new phone and e-mail co-ordinates.

My very best wishes for the future go out to each and every one of you.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Hurley
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2020, 03:28:11 pm »
Letter of Sympathy

A personal letter of sympathy, or sympathy letter, should be a direct and genuine expression of one's condolences. These letters are also known as condolence letters, or letters of condolence. Sympathy letters should almost always be handwritten, due to their personal nature. The sample letter of sympathy below is from a work colleague of the deceased, to his family.
(personal Letter of Sympathy should be hand-written)
895 Don Mills Road, Unit 2735
Toronto, ON
M3C 1T5

November 19, 20xx

Dear Sabrina,

Please let me express my deepest sympathies to you and the children. I was shocked and shattered when I heard about Frank's horrific accident. I can't even imagine what you have been going through for the past ten days.

As you know, Frank and I have been colleagues and friends for the past eight years. His tragic loss leaves a terrible void in our office. He was so well-liked and respected by everyone who came into contact with him, both colleagues and clients alike. He had tremendous people skills, and as such, was a role model in our company and the industry at large.

I trust that, when they are older, the children will be made aware of what an outstanding person Frank was in his professional life.

Sabrina, please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way while you go through this very difficult period. I will support you in any way that I can should you reach out to me.

Also, please tell the children how terribly devastated all of us are here at the company due too their Father's tragic passing.

Sincere sympathy,

Darlene Francis
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2020, 03:29:25 pm »
Church and Ministry Letters

There are a wide variety of situations that call for church and ministry letters. These include letters for: special occasions (e.g. baptism, birthday, graduation), community letters, discipleship letters, education letters, evangelism letters, get well letters, mission letters, motivation letters, prayer letters, recommendation letters, seniors letters, Sunday school letters, sympathy letters, youth letters; and many more. Below is an example of a special occasion letter for a child's first birthday.

(print Church Letter on church letterhead stationery)
December 5, 20xx
Frank and Joan LeRoy
245 Mansfield Drive
Wiltshire, CT 06897

Dear Frank and Joan,

As David's first birthday approaches, I wanted to take this opportunity to write to wish YOU a Happy Birthday as well.

While a child hardly realizes the significance of a first birthday, to the parents it is a wonderfully joyous occasion as they pause and reflect on the events of the past year (and 9 months :-). I don't have to tell you, but profound changes have taken place in your life such as lost sleep, sacrifice of personal time, juggling of schedules, etc.

With all of these changes though, it is so wonderful to have and to hold a child created in the image of God Himself. The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:26:

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." What an awesome thought! That we are created in the image of God!

He also assures us that He knows our future, and as a matter of fact has it all planned out if we will only follow that plan. Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

It is my hope that as the years pass, you will continue to make the church an important part of David's life. This will serve to give him a foundation for the storms and trials that no doubt lie ahead.

Again, Happy Birthday to YOU, and if there is anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me.

In Christ's Love,

Rev. Arthur Morrissey
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2020, 03:30:51 pm »
Teacher Letter To Parent

A teacher to parent letter is often required at the beginning of the school year or term/semester. Their primary purpose is to clearly define important student-related guidelines with respect to such issues as: home assignments, uncompleted class work, planned and unplanned absences, etc. Ideally, they will clearly define the communication protocols to be used between parents and the school on issues relating to the student. Below is a typical teacher to parent letter that can be used as a model to build on.

(print Teacher to Parent Letter on official school letterhead stationery)

September 10, 20xx
Parents of Students
Grade 11, Class C
Maxwell Park Secondary School

Dear Parents of 11C Students:

As the new school year gets underway it is timely to send you the guidelines and procedures that will be followed this year at Maxwell Park School with respect to homework and unplanned absences.

Uncompleted Class Work
If your child does not complete his/her school work in class, I may require that it be completed at home. In such cases I will send you a special "Classwork at Home" form that will explain what work was not completed in class, and why. I ask you to please sign the bottom portion of that form where indicated, and have your child return it to me when they hand-in the completed work. This will help distinguish incomplete seat-work from regular homework.

Uncompleted Homework
Repeated failure to complete homework may result in the issuance of an Academic Notice. In accordance with school policy, Academic Notices always require a meeting with the parent and administration. If I send such a notice to you, it will request that you telephone me as soon as possible so that we can set up a meeting involving you the parents, me the teacher involved, and the vice-principal.

Missed Homework Due to Absence
Excused absences:
Students who are absent due to illness have three days for each full day missed to make up school work that was missed (after he/she returns to school). Students are responsible for completion of all missed schoolwork or they will receive a grade of zero ("0") on any quizzes, tests, projects or assignments missed. If your child is absent more than two days and you would like to pick up any missed homework assignments, please telephone the school office at xxx-245-7645 to make arrangements.

Unexcused Absences:
Classwork and homework missed due to planned or voluntary absence must be completed and handed-in on the day of return to school. Parents and students must secure assignments in advance of such absences and should inform me in writing at least one week in advance of the planned absence.

Illness At School
Students who appear to become ill during the school day will be sent to the office and a determination will be made by the school nurse whether or not a child should be sent home. If deemed necessary to send the child home, parents will be telephoned at home or at work to make arrangements for pick-up.

I would ask you to please review and take note of the above guidelines and procedures so that we may work together in providing the best possible educational experience for your child this year.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to call the office at xxx-245-7645 and leave a message for me and I will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your concerns.

Yours truly,

Antonio Vargas
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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2020, 03:31:31 pm »
Friendly Letter Sample

Friendly letters, written in longhand or sometimes typed, were once a common part of life. These days, with e-mail, texting, Skype, and the like, the traditional friendly letter has become almost outmoded. Nevertheless, one could still use the sample letter below as a guide to communicating with friends, in general. The one below, for example, could easily be the text of a long e-mail to a former colleague.
(print or hand write Friendly Letter on personal stationery)
701-235 Sherbrooke St.
Montreal, QC H3C 1L4

January 11, 20xx
Dear Frank,

All the best to you for the New Year! How are things going in the Land of the Rising Sun? I must say, I really envy you getting that Tokyo gig with the company. Somehow they overlooked me on that one and I am forced to slug it out here through another frigid and snowy Montreal winter. Brrrr!

I heard through the grapevine that business is going well there. Rumor has it that you guys are just about to close a big deal with the Japanese government for an M-750 Simulator. Great news! Good for the company and good for you. Keep up the great work!

Did you hear about Margie Bronson suddenly leaving the company just before year-end? It was a bit of a shock to say the least. She gave one week's notice and was gone. Nobody knows for sure what's up with her but rumors have been flying fast and furious that she went through a bit of a personal meltdown and has now gone underground to lick her wounds for a while. There could be some truth to that since her long time relationship ended recently and three months ago she was passed over for that director position that was up for grabs. I'll keep you posted when we find out more.

As for me, I am quite busy these days on the Branscombe Systems Project. We are entering Phase Two now, and that is expected to run for three years, at least. Frank Schindler is Senior Project Manager and I am Team Leader of the Embedded Systems Group. I am enjoying it so far. Whether I'll feel the same way in three years, I'm not sure. By then I might be ready to join you in Japan.

I'm still kicking butt in the squash court and am managing to get in two or three matches per week. What about squash in Japan? Have you been able to play any over there? Are there even any squash courts? I suppose since you are in Tokyo there must be some. Let me know.

I have to go now and attend to family duties. Jonathon needs some help with his homework and Angie wants me to fix something in the kitchen. You single guys traveling the world sure are lucky!

Keep me posted whenever you can. I really enjoy receiving your letters and getting the details of your life in Japan.

Your squash buddy,

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Re: 【天问】Sample Personal Letters-外企个人信函模板
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2020, 03:32:23 pm »
Condolence Letter

Condolence letters, or letters of condolence, are also known as sympathy letters. Sending such letters is appropriate in various personal and business situations in which some sort of loss or tragedy has occurred, such as a death. They should always be sincere and heartfelt. Personal condolence letters should usually be handwritten.

(Ideally, personal Letters of Condolence should be handwritten)
175A Fairmont Ave.
Toronto, ON
M5W 1F2
August 18, 20xx

Dear Leonard:

I would like to express my sincere condolences on the recent passing of your father. Pamela and the children also send their thoughts and prayers to you and your family at this difficult time.

Although I didn't know your dad that well, on the half dozen or so occasions that I spent time in his company over the years, I did come to realize his great kindness and compassion towards those less fortunate than him. And I do know that he was very highly respected throughout this community and profession, and his good works changed the lives of many.

You were truly fortunate to have such a man as a model in your life.

As you know, it was not that long ago that my own father passed away, so I have some idea of what you and your family are going through. I realize that no words of comfort are quite enough to replace the loss.

Please pass my deepest sympathies on to your mother, and brother, and sister, and to all of your father's grandchildren.

Yours in sympathy,

Gord Henderson
发达国家无犯罪证明Police Certificate/Criminal Record/海牙认证/使馆认证: 加拿大技术移民:微信咨询:newnewlandvisa